
24 oktober 2024

Overzicht van geraadpleegde bronnen 21e-eeuwse vaardigheden.


Bagaric. V. & Mihaljevic Djinugovic, J., 2007. Defining Communicative Competence. Metodika, 8 (1), p. 94-103. Geraadpleegd op 2 oktober 2017 van

Beek, A. van der, Hoogeveen, M., & Prenger, J. (2015). Leerstoflijnen mondelinge taalvaardigheid beschreven: Uitwerking van het referentiekader Nederlandse taal voor het onderwijs in mondelinge taalvaardigheid op de basisschool. Enschede: SLO.

McKeeman. L. & Oviedo, B, 2013. Enhancing Communicative Competence through integrating 21st Century Skills and Tools. Geraadpleegd op 2 oktober 2017 van

P21 Framework Definitions. Geraadpleegd op 2 oktober 2017 van

Redeker, G., 1999. Communicatie in institutionele contexten. Inaugurele rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar in de Communicatiekunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen door dr. Gisela Redeker op dinsdag 22 juni 1999. Geraadpleegd op 2 oktober 2017 van

Creatief denken en handelen

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1997). Creativity: Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention. New York: Harper Collins.

Heilmann, G., & Korte, W. B. (2010). The role of creativity and innovation in school curricula in the EU27: A content analysis of curricula documents. Luxembourg: European Commission: Joint Research Centre.

Henriksen, D., Mishra, P., & the Deep-Play Research Group. (2014). Twisting knobs and connecting things: Rethinking Technology & Creativity in the 21st Century. TechTrends, (58)1, P. 15-19.

Jeffrey, Bob and Craft, Anna (2004). Teaching creatively and teaching for creativity: distinctions and relationships. Educational Studies, 30(1), pp. 77–87.

Lewis, T. (2008). Creativity in technology education: Providing children with glimpses of their creative potential. International Journal of Technology and Design Education.

Robinson, K. (2011). Out of our minds: Learning to be creative. Oxford: Capstone.

Sternberg, R. (2006). The nature of creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 18(1), 87-98. (Article retracted by the publisher. The scientific content of the article was found to be valid by the editor and reviewers and is not in question. As the significant overlap with previously published material conflicts with our stated policy on originality, the article is hereby retracted and should not be cited.)

Sweller, J. 2009. Cognitive bases of human creativity. Educational Psychology Review, 21(1), 11-19.

Wyse, D., & Ferrari, A. (2014). Creativity and education: Comparing the national curricula of the states of the European Union and the United Kingdom. British Educational Research Journal 41(1), 30-47.

Kritisch denken

Binkley, M., Ersta, O., Herman, J., Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., & Rumble, M. (2012). Defining twenty-first century skills. In P. Griffin, B. McGaw, & E. Care (Eds.), Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills (pp. 17–66). Netherlands: Springer.

Facione, P. A. (1990). Critical thinking: A statement of expert consensus for purposes of educational as­sessment and instruction. Fullerton: California State University.

Heiltjes, A. & Olvers, D. (n.d.) Kritisch leren denken. Breda: Avans. Brein en leren, Leer- en innovatiecentrum.

Mishra, P. & Kereluik, K. (2011). What 21st Century Learning? A review and a synthesis. In M. Koehler & P. Mishra (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE 2011--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 3301-3312). Nashville, Tennessee, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved May 26, 2020 from

OECD (2019). Future of Education and skills 2030. OECD Learning Compass 2030. A series of Compact notes.

Vincent-Lancrin, S., et al. (2019), Fostering Students’ Creativity and Critical Thinking: What it Means in School, Educational Research and Innovation, OECD Publishing, Paris.

Probleemoplossend denken en handelen

Choi, I., & Lee, K. (2009). Designing and implementing a case-based learning environment for enhancing ill-structured problem solving: Classroom management problems for prospective teachers. Educational Technology Research and Development, 57, 99-129.

Jonassen, D.H. (1997). Instructional design models for well-structured and ill-structured problem-solving learning outcomes. Educational Technology Research and Development, 45(1), 65-90.

Jonassen, D.H. (2000). Toward a design theory of problem solving. Educational Technology Research and Development, 48(4), 63-85.

Samson, P.L. (2015). Fostering student engagement: Creative problem-solving in small group facilitations. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 3, 153-164.

Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st century skills. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Binkley, M. Erstad, O. Herman, J., Raizen, S, Ripley, M., & Rumple, M. (2010). Defining 21st century skills. Ways of working:

Collaboration, Teamwork. Melbourne: The University of Melbourne.

Boswinkel, N., & Schram, E. (2011). De toekomst telt. Enschede: SLO/Ververs Foundation.

Thijs, A., Fisser P. & van der Hoeven,  M. (2014). Rapportage 21e eeuwse vaardigheden in het curriculum van het funderend onderwijs. Enschede: SLO.

Sociale en culturele vaardigheden

Abram, I. (2008). Het Arena model voor (intercultureel) leren, gedownload van

Australisch curriculum:, specifiek de 'general capabilities': Personal and social capability: en Intercultural understanding:

European Community. (2007). Key Competencies for lifelong learning; European Reference Framework. Luxumburg: Office for official of the European Communities.

Ginneken, J. van, 2008) Handboek wereldburger. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers; gedownload van

Heusden, B. van (2010). Cultuur in de Spiegel, naar een doorlopende leerlijn cultuuronderwijs. Groningen: RUG

Hoeven, M. van der, e.a. (2014). Cultuur in de spiegel, een leerplankader voor cultuuronderwijs. Enschede, SLO

Kramer, J. (2014). Wow! Wat een verschil. Utrecht: Thema.

Severijns, S. (2015). Superdiversiteit: kansen voor onderwijs op maat voor iedereen. Gedownload op 10 oktober 2017 van

Thijs, A., Fisser, P., & Hoeven, M. van der (2014). 21e eeuwse vaardigheden in het curriculum van het funderend onderwijs. Enschede: SLO.

Thijs, A., Langberg, M. en Berlet, I. (2009). Leren omgaan met culturele diversiteit; aandachtspunten voor een kansrijke aanpak. Enschede: SLO

Voogt, J., & Pareja Roblin, N. (2010). 21st century skills. Discussienota. Enschede: Universiteit Twente.


Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Boekaerts, M. (1999). Self-regulated learning: where we are today. International Journal of Educational Research , 31(6), 445-457. doi: 10.1016/S0883-0355(99)00014-2

Deci, E.L., & Ryan, R.M. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1),  68-78.

Jacobse, A.E. (2009).  Metacognitieve training in het basisonderwijs. Effecten van metacognitieve instructie en computerondersteuning op probleemoplossen en metacognitieve vaardigheid bij rekenen in groep 6 en 7. Groningen: GION, Gronings Instituut voor Onderzoek van Onderwijs.

Pintrich, P. (2004). A conceptual framework for assessing motivation and self-regulated learning in college students. Educational Psychology Review, 16(4), 385-407. doi: 10.1007/s10648-004-0006-x

Weiner, B. (1986). Attribution, emotion, and action. In R. Sorrentino, & E. Higgins, Handbook of Motivation and Cognition. Foundations of Social Behaviour (pp. 281-312). New York: The Guilford Press.

Winne, P. (2001). Self-regulated learning viewed from models of information processing. In B. Zimmerman, & D. Schunk, Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement (pp. 153- 189). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Winne, P., & Perry, N. (2000). Measuring self-regulated learning. In M. Boekaerts, P. Pintrich, & M. Zeidner, Handbook of self-regulation (pp. 531-566). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Zimmerman, B. (2000). Attaining self-regulation: a social cognitive perspective. In M. Boekaerts, P. Pintrich, & M. Zeidner, Handbook of Self-regulation (pp. 13-39). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Zimmerman, B., & Martinez-Pons, M. (1988). Construct validation of a strategy model of student self-regulated learning. Journal of Educational Psvchology, 80(3), 284-290. doi: 10.1037/0022-0663.80.3.284