verfijn de resultaten
This revised edition of Educational design research presents the proceedings of a seminar on educational design research organized from November 23-26, 2007, at the East China Normal University in Shanghai (PR China). The chapters are based on the presentations and the small group discussions during this seminar. Although the book does not provide a ‘how to guide’ for designing and conducting design research, the chapters have been written to reflect both the conceptual underpinning and practical aspects of the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of doing design research. They also present an insight in the specifics of design research in relation to curriculum and instructional technology.
Educational design research part B contains 51 illustrative cases to accompany part A of the publication. The cases are meant as examples from which graduate students and researchers should be able to learn how to design and conduct a project utilizing EDR as the research approach or design.
De beroepsgerichte vakken vmbo zijn uitzonderlijk in het Europese onderwijsstelsel, omdat het uniek is dat leerlingen in de leerplichtige leeftijd voltijd dagonderwijs met beroepsvoorbereiding krijgen. Hier kan je daar meer over lezen.
SLO is the Netherlands institute for curriculum development. We are an independent non-profit organisation, bridging the contexts of policy, research and practice.
Curriculum in development. The title of this book refers to both the dynamic discussions that continuously take place across a wide range of curricular issues and the evolutionary thinking about concepts and approaches in curriculum development. Changes in society constantly demand new knowledge and skills and require the continuous development of our educational system. How do processes of curriculum development evolve? What actually is a curriculum? And how to ensure the quality of curricular products? This book will focus on these questions.